
The CliffsNotes version of my family as we grow.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

It's been about a year

Today was great day with my girls.  Mike is in Dallas.  So it's just us girls.  I pray that my girls will always be close.  They have so much fun together!  Halle was very very sick last night so she missed her game.  Berkley made her basketball game.  She hustled and had a ball! 
Lord, I pray my girls grow to love you.  I pray they always turn to you when they hurt.  I pray they witness your presence early in life so they know you are real and ever present!  Lord, keep us safe, healthy and holy!!!

I read a quote from a movie today that seems simple but so very true!  "Either get busy living, or get busy dyin'." - Red. #top5 #shawshank
This is so true.  I sometimes feel I am so overwhelmed with anxiety that I am busy getting ready for the worst.  I should be LIVING!  And living to the fullest!
Lord, I pray with the deepest not let my girls have anxiety the way I do!  Let them not learn worry from me!  Please give them a heart of joy and laughter and thankfulness.

Lord, I pray that you heal my heart.  Please take away my anxiety over EVERYTHING.  I know it is a sin, yet I battle with it everyday.  Let me live every minute and remember the good!


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