
The CliffsNotes version of my family as we grow.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What the H * E * double hockey sticks?

Ok....I realize I am often clueless to the latest trends, but I was WAY clueless on tonight's class at the Gym.  I have heard about ZUMBA a thousand times, but never knew what it was.

I was going to take spin tonight, but decided to take Zumba with my friend Stephanie last minute.  I guess I thought it was some sort of step class.  BOY, WAS I WRONG!!!

I have never laughed so hard in my entire life.  To imagine what I looked like in that class do the following:  draw a stick figure on a piece of paper and try to make it dance.  THAT'S ME! 

I also had no idea how sexy the latino culture is!  They should have ratings on that class!  I should have just turned around and left the second I saw sequins on the instructors sports bra! 

I have to wear 2 bras during my work outs just to hold these puppies in place.  The instructor was shimmying her boobs all over the place!  And don't get me started on her gluteus maximus.  I have been instructed to 'tighten' my gluts in every workout I have ever done.  Well, NOT TODAY FRIENDS.....NOT TODAY!  These girls have muscles in their hips that I didn't know existed. 

I am sorry to all my white friends out there......BUT white girls don't hold a candle to the latino girls when it comes to having 'moves'!!!  Oh my, tonight was PURE ENTERTAINMENT!!!  I have never seen anything like it.

I figured I had better make the best of it.  I basically just ran in place for about an hour.  I did burn a ton of calories, but I am pretty sure it was from laughing!

I didn't understand the music.  She played Spanish hip-hop, Spanish rap and we cooled down to a Spanish country song.  All I understood in the country song was something about Tequila at the Cantina??? 

The whole class was just sooooo bizarre!  Definitely made for an entertaining evening!!!

The class is crazy packed!  There were even small latino children doing this class.

This is Stephanie and I after the class.  I just had to get a picture with the instructor.  I am not sure I will ever take that class again so definitely wanted to remember 'Ms. Sexy Thang'.  She wore her sequined bra and I wore Mike's softball T-shirt and sliding shorts.  She spoke Spanish the entire class.  This added to my .... Where the hell am I???  LOL! LOL! 

The girls got some exercise of their own.  They ran and ran and ran after my Zumba class.  I was getting them nice and ready for BED!  :-)  It worked!

stuck at the house

Well....My new car Zoom-Zoom just pooped out.  I got in it this morning and the battery was dead.  Thank goodness for retired neighbors!  Dave came over to help.  We tried for 30 min to jump start my car.  The battery is DONE!  I am now home waiting on Hiley to come replace the battery for me.   

I saw these pictures on my cousins FB page.  My Great Aunt Pat left this world to live eternally with Jesus last week.  Aunt Pat was awesome!!!  I have so many great memories of visiting her as a little girl.  My Uncle James (Uncle Bubba is what we call him) was at her side.  The pictures make me cry. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


Driving home from work today my mom and I had a phone conversation about how great it felt to have a 'normal' day.  I woke up got the girls ready, took them them to school, went to work, drove home......  There was no drama, no emergency, no personal appt to take me away from my day to day routine.  It was so nice!

This weekend was 'happy'!  I don't know any other way to describe it.  It was just the four of us.  We really missed Brooke!!  She was suppose to be with us for part of the weekend, but you know how those 17 year olds life comes first.  :-) Other than Brooke not being here, the weekend was pretty perfect. 

We met with John Mints on Friday night.  John lives in AZ.  He now has so many TX clients that he comes to TX for a week once a month.  John helped Mike and I with a road map for our financial future.  We were more than pleased with the plan.  I have a feeling John is going to be a big part of our life from now on. 

Saturday I took a morning class at Lifetime.  Then I came home and worked on the upstairs bedrooms.  It's time to separate the girls' room's again.  I want the girls in separate rooms when Berkley goes to school.  Mike wanted his own space to work in the mornings.  This weekend seemed like a good weekend to move THREE rooms of furniture.   It was musical furniture upstairs.  (which was like an all day weight lifting class) I have bruises all over my body.  So far I have counted 12.  It is so funny how many ways I can see my 'age' revealing itself.  I feel like a 90 year old grandma that bruises just because something touched me.   I have always been one to rearrange the furniture on a whim.  I don't remember being black and blue the next my younger years.

Sunday was even better than Saturday.  We woke up WAY earlier than I wanted to.  I had to wait up on the Easter bunny the night before.  I think I crawled into bed around 2am.  Halle brought eggs she found to my room at 8am.  ...So the Easter morning celebration was on.  It could not have been better. 

This link is the video of our morning.  

Mike worked all 3 services at church.  So after our morning egg hunt he had to fly.  The girls and I joined Mike for the 2nd service.  TCAL was packed. I love that our church is growing like wild flowers!   TCAL is just simply a comfortable place to be.

-----------Sunday we remembered the Savior who gave His life for the sins of the world. I pray that we will all remember and give thanks for the Savior who came to the world and gave His life in a way that I cannot fathom.


Had an impromtu date night with Mike!  We watched the Mavs game at Bone Daddy's. 

Yummo!!!  Red Beer....Made staring at the 1/2 dressed teeny-boppers bearable.  LOL!  (Hate the Bone Daddy's employee 'uniform'.  Love Bone Daddy's menu and atmosphere.)


This is John Mints with Bank It First.  He has a mission in life to help people see the truth.  He is a wealth of information when it comes to MONEY!  He came highly recommended by so many.  I am so excited to see how his plan plays out in my family.   


Spin Class
I love Spin!  It fits my personality perfectly!!  It is in a dark room where no one can see me.  I am quiet with just my thoughts for one hour! (except for the overly energetic instructor that kicked my bootie~)  This is time I need after a crazy week.  I was a puddle of goo when I left. ....great work out.


Easter before Church


I came home from work, relaxed with the girls for a few and then got ready to hit the gym.

This is me after another one of Sabrina's work outs.  Geez, I love her class!!
I have not been on the scales since last week.  I am afraid of what it might say.  If it shows I haven't lost any weight I will be so discouraged!  I do feel great and I can definitely tell a difference in all my clothes.  That is enough for me now.  I managed to pass up the Easter candy.  However, I did cheat the night Mike and I went to Bone Daddy's.  I had 2 light red beers and oh my, they were good!!  Other than that, I have been staying on track. 

Good Night

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Looking in the Rear View Mirror

I know all mothers probably do this, but I often like to stare at my children in the RVM of my car when they don't know I am looking.  I thank God for my precious angels!  I am just so in love with them!  I still can't believe God entrusted me with such gifts! 

I am a little behind.  So here is some pics of our weekend.

Halle Girl at the Soccer game!

Memphis had an awesome bday party at the oh so famous PUMP IT UP.
Grason and Lexi

Great friends Garret and Grason

This would be Berkley flirting with the handsome Garret!

bff's  Garret and Walker.

My little EGG HEAD

We had a cook out at the Smith's house this weekend.
The kids were GREAT!!! I LOVE MY TCAL FAMILY!!!!

Whitney and Karr-Karr

My very special  Karr-Karr.  This girl has a special place in my heart.
Love you Karsen!!!

BFF's Kallie and Karli!  Cutie-Pie's~~

I am a big girl!

Sorry Amy....should have given you a minute. :)
Amy and Jimmy!

Hair is down and SMILE!!
Hey, Who is Smiley in the background???

Always picture perfect~!
Such an in-love couple!!!

Guys....Next time POSE!
Garry and Stephanie!
Love you guys!!

Before work out with Sabrina

I don't want this blog to be about my weight loss challenge, but I will put updates on here for no other reason than to keep myself accontable!
I am showing my last 6 months of stress ALL OVER MY BODY!! :-)
I am on a mission to lose the TWENTY POUNDS I have packed on!  I know!! I am so embarrassed!!
I am currently 135 with a THIRTY THREE bmi.  Thats even worse.  I have NEVER been this fat!
Even at 9 months prego with two babies!

This is the most awesome instructor at our gym.  She is my inspiration!  Hopefully after the end of this journey I can look somewhat like her.  :-)  Thanks Sabrina!!
My adkins is going well! Now I just have to start MOVING!!!
My goal is 110lbs and 19 bmi...we shall see!

After work out with friend and neighbor Jennifer.
burned 900 calories!!!  Yeee-haaaa!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why didn't I think of this before

Last night as I was starting to feel a cold coming on I tried to knock it out with a large dose of Nyquil.  I was OUT 15 minutes after taking it.  I woke up this morning feeling awesome!  I felt better than I had in weeks.  Then it hit me.....I had been asleep for 9 hours straight!  WOW!!!  What a difference a good night's sleep makes.  I had more energy today and was in such a great mood!  I knew I hadn't been sleeping well, but it never occured to me that I should take something to help me sleep......DAH!!!

Anyway, I am going to hit the hay as soon as I finish this!  Hopefully I will feel this great tomorrow!

We had a very productive day!  I worked a little bit this morning from home.  I did laundry, changed all the sheets, played with the girls, went to soccer practice, bathed and put the girls down and now it is MOMMY TIME.  I just had a cup of decaf coffee.  I am quickly blogging about my day then it is off to bed with a good book! 

Mike has been working extra late the last two nights on a large bid.  Lord, I pray that Mike will hit one of these!!!  He works so hard and it would mean so much to see his efforts pay off!!!

Pic of me and my Halle-girl at nap time. (which never happened)

Could it be the chocolate candy she is eating that kept her awake?

Berkley was playing 'Mommy' and took it upon herself to give a treat to Halle and of course herself.

I started my Adkins today.  barf!!!!  The first 2 weeks are so gross.
Hamburger patty with cheese and Jalepenos. But can you say

As I was doing laundry, I thought it would be a good idea to wash my bedskirt along with my sheets.
Why?..... I have no idea???  It was quite destructive! 

I told the girls if they helped pick up, they could have the snack of their choice for 3:00 snack.
It cracks me up how different the are!
Berkley chose Hot Cocoa and a Cookie with Cream Cheese on it????

Halle chose queso and chips.  Ha!!!
It's never simple when I let them choose! 


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Motion

I was all ready for a very productive day until.....I stepped out of bed.  I woke up feeling TERRIBLE this morning.  It was like nothing I have ever experienced.  I was in SLOW MOTION.  I had NO energy.  All I can think is that my blood sugar was extremely low.  I fought through it long enough to get the girls ready and off to school.  I thought I was going to fall asleep driving.  I stopped to eat 1/2 of a turkey sandwich thinking that food might give me some energy.  NOPE.  The sandwich almost came back up. 

After contemplating going back home to bed or sucking it up and heading to the office....I figured bed is the last place I needed to be.  I am so glad I went to work!  My job is a blessing.  I enjoy my industry and my position.  Even on 'sick' days, there is a certain energy in what I do that reminds me how much I enjoy my work.  It sounds corny, but I love the challenge in finding the next deal! 

I actually felt pretty good at the office.  I was fine tonight with the girls.  Now that I am getting into bed I am trying to ignore the sinus headache, stopped up nose and the sore throat that popped up out of nowhere..... :-(

When I dropped the girls off at school this morning I noticed a sign they put in the lobby. (see below)  How SAD is that!  We have to tell the parents to get off of the cell phone long enough to kiss their kids goodbye.

Parents.....come on!!!!

We had cheese enchilladas out on the porch tonight

Followed by some fun times on the trampolene.

I hope these girls enjoy each other ....always!

We were ALL smiles tonight!!

Maci goes NUTS when the girls jump.  I don't know
why but she hates it.  :)