
The CliffsNotes version of my family as we grow.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

on our way to Mimi

Berkley and Halle are on their way to stay with Mimi and Paw Paw D.  They are so excited!

Words I found helpful this morning as I was watching church on TV this morning since we are missing our TCAL today.

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"  So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid."
Hebrews 13, 5-6.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Great Saturday

We literally rolled out of bed and went to the lake....Oh wait, we stopped and got donuts first.  The weather was perfect so we wanted to go feed the fish and ducks down at the lake.  We had the best time. 

Berkley had her 2nd soccer game today.  She is improving!  Poor thing is too sweet.  She doesn't have an agrressive bone in her body but we are working on it. 

Halle wanted to wear her soccer clothes too.  I had to get creative to make her look like she had a soccer uniform.  She loved it!

Trying to get a smile from Halle.
Halle got really upset when she coudn't go out on the field.
Daddy fixing up Berkley burn.

Friday Night Lights

I am a day behind but wanted to post the pictures of what we did on Friday night.  The girls went to MDO at St. Johns Lutheran Church on Friday.  Then we came home to relax for the big night of soccer.  Every Friday night the Mansfield Soccer Association has what they call 'Friday Night Lights'.  The girls had the best time.  Berkley got to see many of her buddies from Primrose and Halle got to play King of the Mountain on the dirt piles.  Two hours of outside fun on a beautiful evening!!  They came home and crashed.  It was a Perfect Friday night. 

While I was doing preschool soccer...Mike was doing Varsity soccer.  Brooke-Poo had a game last night at 8.  She did not win, but played great!  Becuase Brooke does not live with us...I don't get very many pics of her.  I did put one in here of Brooke and her bestie Rhanda.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A day in the car

The girls and I spent most of the day in the car going to and from Frisco....ugggg, what a drive!  We had a good time shopping at IKEA for a customer of mine.  We came home to soccer practice and a relaxing bed-time story with Daddy.

Now I am in bed saying my prayers and I cannot get through my prayers without stopping when I get to Lucy and just balling.  I can't quit thinking about this little girl and her family!  I don't know why this is happening?  If anyone is reading this.....Please pray for this Angel.  Lucy is very sick with cancer.  She has had 3 surgeries in the last week.  Her parents are hurting!  They have faith and strength unlike anyone I have ever known!  Below are a few pictures of Lucy in the past few days. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday is a busy day!

I had a very peaceful day in my home office today.  Had about 5 hours of uninterrupted quiet.  I got more done in those 5 hours than I probably will the rest of the week combine.  I got much accomplished and closed on a project. :-) Yea!

Berkley's burn is blistering today.  She went to school and did great!  We redressed her arm when she got home.  Then we hurried to gymnastics.  Gymnastics went great up until 5 minutes before it was over.  Berkley fell off the beam.  She landed on her arm, popped a huge blister and rubbed the dressing off.  We rushed home and cleaned it up....hoping NO infection creped into her burn.

Little Halle made me laugh on the way home from gymnastics. She said "Mama, when I say 'you Halle's girl?, you say, YES"  So she asked me..."Are you Halle's girl?" I said Yes Ma'am.  Halle got so mad...She screamed...'I said say YES not Yes Ma'am'.  So we had to redo it ALL the way home.  That girls keeps me smiling.

Berkley's arm when we got home from school.

Close up

We redressed it and put one of Daddy's socks around it.

Halle's 'cup o mulk' she has to have when she gets home.
Makes her o so happy!

Berkley braved it on the mats today at gymnastics.

Halle was so thirsty after gymnastics! She works
hard in her class!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What a day to start this blog!

Well, we had a very eventful morning!  Berkley and I started our morning by cooking our gluten free pancakes.  I pulled the hot pan off of the burner and started cutting the girl's pancakes.  Berkley was standing on a stool right in front of the stove.  I looked over my shoulder and saw Berkley losing her balance. She then caught herself....ON THE HOT BURNER of the stove.  She screamed for about 10 seconds and that is last I have heard any signs of pain from her.  She is so strong!  We ran to the doctor.  He was great~~~  Saved us from going to the emergency room!  He doctored her right up and we have been keeping her spoiled all day!!

At the doctor before seeing Dr. Daniels.

Showing us her burn.
Close up.

Halle was such an Angel while we were at the doctor.  (You never know with that little girl)

She has her 'red phone' and her blanket.....all is well.

Berkley got some really cool green wrap over her burn.

Back to ice as soon as we get home!

Halle quickly noticed the attention Berkley was getting so she had some serious boo-boos of her own. LOL!