
The CliffsNotes version of my family as we grow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Okay, yesterday's blog was full of tears and self pity.  Boooo!

Today I am going to try and get through this blog tear free but I am just not sure it is possible. :)

Brookie-Poo is 18 today.  Pinch me!!!  I cannot believe it!  I remember being SO nervous to meet her for the first time!  You never know how children will tolerate the new boyfriend/girlfriend.  Mike and Brooke knocked on my apartment door in the fall of 1999.  She walked right in and I will never forget it.  She said, "Hi I'm Brooke.  It's very nice to meet you.  Are you ready?  Let's go!"  WHAT?  I thought she was 4??  4 going on 15!  She was the most outgoing, precious little girl ever!  It was love at first sight! 
Through the years Brooke has grown to be even more outgoing and precious!  She is JUST as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.  And lets face it.....SHE IS A KNOCK-OUT! 
Brooke, I am so so so proud of you!  You have exceeded all my expectations!  You continue to make me proud on a daily basis!  I love you with every ounce of my heart!  I cannot wait to see the terrific things you do in your adult life! You have been such an important part of my adult life for sure!!!

Brooke had a soccer game yesterday and a game would not be complete without Brooke seriously hurting herself.  Look at that achilles.  OUCH!!!
(didn't' stop her from carrying on with a little PARTE' )

While Mike is in Dallas celebrating with Brooke, the little girls and I had a very busy day!  It started with Berkley's soccer game. .... A lunch date with the Wilborns.  Then we went back to the soccer fields for Halles soccer game.  Followed by a birthday part at Chuck-Cheese! Then we topped the day off with a little Pancake for Dinner!

Berkley and Katelyn did excellent!  Katelyn surprised even her parents.  We could tell immediately she has a true athletic talent.  This was her FIRST taste of soccer and she was all over it!  Berkley was all over Katelyn.  HA!  She loves the social scene of soccer!!!  JUST LIKE BROOKIE WAS AT THAT AGE! :-)
Poor Halle, bless her heart...I don't even know where to begin.  Halle DOES NOT DO NEW environments, experiences or people.  She has a complete anxiety melt down.
She just plops down in the middle of the field 2 seconds after the game starts.

Oh yes, this is DURING the game. 
She is suppose to be on the field playing and she has her hand up to her face yelling at people to quit looking at her.
This is also WHILE SHE IS SUPPOSE TO BE PLAYING ON THE FIELD!  She just walks off and jumps in the golf cart with the cop.  She LOVED THAT????
I don't know how to be a mother to Halle.  I feel helpless.  I have researched books, but I cannot pinpoint her personality "type" to even read on what I am suppose to do about a child like her.  She has been like this since day 1.  She will warm up to soccer, but it may take 5 games first.  I am seriously considering taking her to a therapist.  I just hate that she experiences such anxiety with unfamiliar environments!

The big soccer girls got to celebrate opening day at McDonalds.  Melissa (Katelyns mommy) and I got to visit for about an hour.  I LOVE MOMMY TIME!
After a morning on the soccer fields we had a bday party at "Chuk-Cheese". 
After a few hours at Katelyns Berkley came home and put all her sleep buddies on her bed and CRASHED!
 We topped off a full day with IHOP! We had a GREAT DAY!  Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and do it all again!

Girls, Girls, Girls: keep on going...

Girls, Girls, Girls: keep on going...

keep on going...

Well, it’s been about 9 months since my last post. A few things have changed. Like our jobs, our home, our town, our church, our friends......hmmmm I think that about covers it.

We are now in Lubbock. How did we end up here? Well, that is another post at another time....

I have not been strong enough to even open this blog for several months. I opened it tonight and probably should not have. I knew I missed home, but didn't realize how much. We left behind some of the BEST friends ever. We left behind a church family that I loved as much as my own. TCAL was my rock! I pray that someday......I will feel the same way about another church family!

Anyway, just some facts:

We are currently renting a home that we are ok with. We can't decide if we want to stay here and eventually buy it. We have another 1 and 1/2 to decide.

The wind is AWFUL. It's beyond awful. It literally makes me sick 3 weeks out of every month. Breathing in red dirt cannot be good for anyone's health! Our community is surrounded by miles and miles of dirt fields. I have daily asthma attacks, I have missed days of work because of sinus infection/bronchitis, name it. This is probably what I hate the most about Lubbock.

We have met some really great friends. However, I miss our weekly cook-outs, couples date nights, friends coming over just because they are friends and care about you. I am not sure if it is because we are new or if people just don't do that here??? But I need that! I enjoy friendship! I enjoy laughing with girlfriends on a daily basis. I miss all of our children playing together. I MISS HOME! I miss Brandi, Lynn, Amy Z, Amy H, LeAnn, Toni, Amber, Kim, Karen, Stephanie.....I miss my in laws. I am sure I will look back on this a few years from now and realize time heals everything, but tonight I am homesick for sure!

Mike and I work together at the same company. It is a good company, but again different from any other company I have ever worked for. It's a little bit like stepping into the combination of 2 movies.....Mean Girls and Mad Men. There are some crazy attitudes from the women there and it is run by male executives.  Without saying too much....It will probably ALWAYS be run by men. :)   LOL!!! I am sure it is just another situation of being 'new'. The company has an excellent reputation in town and I tend to be a bit too sensitive. :-) Luckily this week I have landed several projects that are keeping me busy. So busy I don't realize what is going on around me. As of last week, I was seriously considering finding something different. Life is just too short to have to deal with drama at work on a daily basis. I'm too old to deal with it! I will not deal with it! One of the most valuable life lessons that TCAL taught: there are NO perfect people. I learned to find the good in every person. I became very good at seeing gifts in people. Now, I am surrounded by a very judgmental peer group. I am noticing I am becoming the same way. I HATE IT! I know better! I started questioning Gods plan in our journey to Lubbock. Fortunately, this week has reminded me that I DO love what I am trained to do. I can't imagine doing anything different. I just need to adjust to the culture here.

The culture is different here! You wouldn't think so. It is still Texas, but it is. In general people are very passive aggressive. Mike and I are polar opposite of passive aggressive. We speak our mind at the moment we think it. (not always good either!) West Texas culture seems to be so 'sweet'. No one wants anything to do with confrontation. They will avoid it at all costs. Therefore, there is a lot of smile to your face and tell you what you want to hear...... get pissed off and talk about you when you leave. OMG! It drives me insane! My boss gave me some good advice this week. Erin, don't let the things you can’t change drive you crazy. I have to keep saying that over and over. :-)

My post tonight is sad and dark. I am sure things will be much better tomorrow.

Here are some fun Lubbock experiences:

The girls enjoy a good sleep over in the living room often. :-)

We have some pretty awesome neighborhood kids! We love for them to come over. Hopefully with the warmer weather we will see more of them.

A good way to meet people is to deliver them home-made goodies! 

My Halle-Girl finally enjoys getting her picture made.

My girls have gone through this change together.  I am so glad they have each other.  They are so protective of each other as well.  Thank you God!!!

Berkley is a VERY social little girl as well!  She lives and breathes for time with friends.  She has made friends with the funniest little girl, Katelyn.  We love her!  We have also enjoyed getting to know Katelyn's family.  Hopefully we will get to see more of them as it gets warmer.

This is a pic of about 1/2 of the ladies that I have met through the girls' dance class. These ladies are the real deal! I enjoy spending time with them so much! However, these are some of the hardest working ladies I have ever met. They are very career focused. (yes, even you Dr. Brandy) :) We see each other for a few minutes each week at dance. We try to get together for a fun GNO once a month. Unfortunately, I have not made too many of those due to .... lack of babysitter, sick, etc........ I have no doubt these ladies will be lifelong buds.

A really fun couple we have been double dating with.  They just got engaged.....CONGRATS Erin and Lane!!!

This is my work buddy!  She keeps me laughing!  She keeps certain situations light! Love you Lisa!

Super fun Couple I look forward to getting to know!

My neighbor/friend.  We will probably be wearing out our welcome with them this summer!  Can't wait!

I feel like I have complained this entire the end of the day....I am one BLESSED Mommy!  Not a worry in the world ;)
Home-sick.......BUT ......this too shall pass......